Adum Aviator Clubs
Adum K-8 After School Enrichment is an optional program. We strive to provide low-cost, supplemental enrichment opportunities to give students additional exposure to arts, technology, health, sports, and more.
The After School Enrichment program is a privilege that PTSA enjoys offering our Adum families. This program is fully managed by PTSA volunteers who work diligently to organize providers and registration for these activities. A $10 fee is charged along with each registration. This is a source of PTSA funding, and it pays for initiatives, including teacher appreciation. We kindly ask for your cooperation and patience in remembering this is a volunteer-managed program.
Session 3
Clubs Preview
Click Here - Session 3 Preview
Questions? Please email
Policies and Procedures for After-School Enrichment Clubs
Registration and Refunds
Registration will begin on Monday, December 9 at 7:00 pm and will close on Friday, December 13 at 9:00 pm. The registration window is five days long as there is a tight turnaround to begin the next session. Be sure you have your login and password for so you are ready to register for clubs. All students participating in our club program must register through Homeroom.
Please make any necessary adjustments during the registration period. Once the registration period has ended, Friday, December 13th, the rosters are final, and no further changes will be permitted. Trying to swap or sell a spot online is never permitted! No refunds, additions, or cancellations with a refund will be given after registration closes.
Canceled Club days (Natural Disaster/ Weather and Teacher Sickness)
There will be no make-up day or refund options for a Natural Disaster/ Inclement weather. There are just some things we cannot control. Our club sessions run one right after another with no weeks off in between, so there are just no good options for this.
We have asked all teachers to use a “buddy system”. They are expected to find another teacher who can lead their club in case of sickness. If the cancellation is too last minute and a substitute is not available, a volunteer or office staff will call the phone number we have on file for the parent/guardian to make them aware. Our last resort is that the ASE volunteer will find an empty classroom and we will have a study hall available until dismissal time.
The waitlist is only used to move students up if someone should cancel their club during the registration period. Once the registration period has ended, the roster is final and no changes will be made.
All fees must be paid through the Homeroom website. Checks and cash are not accepted. Vendors are paid directly from the Homeroom platform and cannot receive payments directly.
Dismissal Procedures
When registering, please include all authorized to pick up your child, as our providers cannot access the school district emergency cards. Your child will not be released to any adults, not in the Homeroom registration form, so please be sure to document those individuals.
When picking up your child, please park and walk up to the club vendor, let them know who you are to pick up, and then you can go. If your child is enrolled in HOST, the club provider will take them to HOST after dismissal.
If your child is in 3rd-7th grade and will be walking home unsupervised we will provide you with a school form to fill out, print, and give a copy to the clubs chairs to keep on hand providing your permission for your child to walk home after clubs without an adult. If your child is walking but you are picking them up please park like you would for regular school pick-up and walk up to pick up your child in the front of the school.
Click here to access Clubs Walker Dismissal Form
Please be on time to pick up your child. Clubs will be released at 3:15 (early release days) and 4:15 (regular release days). Therefore, you must pick up no later than 3:15 and 4:15, when club dismissal is officially over. If you are later than 20 minutes past the hour and if you are late more than three times your student's registration will be withdrawn without a refund and they will no longer be able to attend clubs.
Each club vendor requires a minimum number of students to keep the club open. If this number is not met and the provider decides to cancel the club, we will let you know as soon as possible so that you can make other arrangements.
Alternatively, once a club reaches maximum capacity, you will be put on a waiting list, and if a spot becomes available, you will be notified. You will have 24 hours to register your child for that club. If you do not respond within 24 hours, your child will go to the bottom of the waitlist and the next child in line will be offered the spot. Please stay attentive to your email during registration should these situations arise.
Clubs are a privilege that we enjoy offering to our Adum K-8 families. Your child is expected to behave respectfully, with kindness (no bullying), and without disrupting the class. Repeated behavioral incidents may result in forced withdrawal from the club without a refund.
***All clubs are subject to change ahead of registration***
If you have any questions, please email