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 *Check back often for updated info as Drop Off and Pick Up adjustments are fluid*



School Bell Times: 8:10 am – 3 pm (2 pm Early Release Mondays)

Drop Off: 7:40 am – 8:10 am (classes don't open until 7:55 am; students can go to the cafeteria until then)

Pick Up: 3 pm (2 pm Early Release Mondays)

PreK & K Drop Off: Please use the east teacher’s lot by the cafeteria to drop off (older siblings of PreK and K students may also enter here.) The neighborhood car route for PreK & K drop-off is Euclid to Clark to Bay Court to drop off in the east lot off the cafeteria. 
PreK Pick Up:
2:45 pm (1:45 pm Early Release Mondays)

HOST Drop Off: 7 am – 7:40 am

HOST Pick Up: 3:15 pm – 6 pm (2:15 pm Early Release Mondays)

Clubs Pick Up: 3:20 pm Mondays, 4:20 pm Tuesdays – Fridays




1. Route Directions: Follow the marked route, which loops around the school perimeter. This route has been carefully planned to avoid unnecessary turns and prevent neighborhood traffic congestion.

  • NW Aviators should head east on Euclid, turn south on Church, turn west on Bay View, and turn north on Lois before turning west into the designated car line entrance.
  • NE Aviators should head south on Church, turn west on Bay View, and turn north on Lois before turning west into the designated car line entrance.
  • SE Aviators should head north on Dale Mabry, turn west on Bay Vista, turn south on Church, turn west on Bay View, and turn north on Lois before turning west into the designated car line entrance.
  • SW Aviators should head north on Manhattan, and then turn east on Bay View and turn north on Lois before turning west into the designated car line entrance.

2. Entry Point: Use the designated Car Line Entrance on Lois, as indicated on the map as you approach the school. This is the only entrance to the car line, which travels behind the school on campus between the pond and the soccer turf toward the west and curves around towards the front of the school.


3. Car Line Check-In: As you approach the Car Line Check-In point (near the playground area), a staff member will check your car line tag and direct you to the appropriate loading/unloading zone. Please have your tag visible at all times. Adum uses the PikMyKid app to expedite the pick-up process. Drivers indicate via the app when their vehicle has entered the car line. This notifies the staff which student(s) should be ready for pick-up.

  • Morning Car Line is a single-file lane that allows teachers and others to pass through to park. Drivers must stay to the right. There is space for two lanes of traffic. However, the left lane is for bypass needs only.
  • Afternoon Car Line is two lanes at the entrance to the car line to help alleviate the number of cars off campus. Two lane car line will merge into one lane before the PikMyKid checkpoint.

 4. Loading/Unloading Zones:

  • General Info: Cones and signage at the front of the school indicate the loading/unloading zone. Students must only enter or exit vehicles at the designated loading/unloading zone. Drivers are not permitted to go around cars in the car line unless instructed by staff.
  • Drop-Off: Follow the staff's directions to the designated drop-off area. Ensure that your student(s) is ready to exit the vehicle promptly to keep the line moving.
  • Pick-Up: At pick-up time, follow the same route. The staff will bring your student(s) to the loading area once your vehicle is in position. Staff notify students via intercom when their car is at the loading zone. Please pull all the way forward, remain in your vehicle at all times, leave your tag up on your windshield until your student(s) load, load quickly and move forward.

5. Exit Point: After picking up your student(s), drivers exit onto Bay Villa. Drivers must exit the car line by turning LEFT onto Bay Villa Ave (towards the West). 


6. Key Rules:

  • No Southbound Traffic on Lois: During car line hours, southbound traffic on Lois is not permitted to enter the car line. This rule helps prevent bottlenecks at the entrance.
  • No Westbound Traffic from Church/Clark on Bay Villa, Bay Ct, or Bay Vista: These roads are restricted for aftercare vans and VPK pick-up during car line hours to minimize neighborhood congestion and ensure a smooth flow within the car line.
  • No right turns when exiting the car line.
  • No cutting into the car line for any reason from any direction.
  • Be kind to the neighborhood: Do not block driveways or intersections.
  • Be respectful of our neighbors: Do not drive on their yards, destroy property, litter, or engage in arguments.

 7. Benefits:

  • Efficiency: Minimizes the number of turns and zipper merges, reducing delays and ensuring a faster car line experience.
  • Safety: Traffic pattern and designated entry/exit points reduces the risk of accidents and confusion among drivers, enhancing the safety of all students and staff.
  • Community Impact: Minimizes disruption to the surrounding neighborhood by keeping traffic on primary thoroughfare roads and away from residential streets.
  • Support for School Operations: Accommodates school staff and operations, preventing blockages and ensuring that staff can perform their duties without interference.

8. Contact Information: Should you have a problem, please notify the School Resource Officer on duty or the front office. For any questions or concerns regarding the car line, please contact the Safety Committee. Your feedback is important to us as we strive to improve our processes.



  • Drop off for PreK students is either through the main car line, or at the East gate between building 2 and the cafeteria via the staff parking lot.
  • Pre-K student pick-up is only at the East gate between building 2 and the cafeteria via the staff parking lot.
  • Parents enter the staff parking lot on S Lois Ave to park and pick up PreK students.
  • Parents with older siblings in grades K-8 must pick up their PreK student first, then exit the staff parking lot and enter the main car line to pick up older siblings.


  • Adum uses the PikMyKid app to expedite the pick-up process.
  • Download the free PikMyKid Parent app available on Apple Store and Google Play. 

  • Register your family on the app after receiving your family's PikMyKid number during Open House.
  • Parents will receive a vehicle hang tag with their family's PikMyKid number during Open House.
  • Instructions for using the PikMyKid app below:
  • PikMyKid Parent App Guide - ENGLISH
  • PikMyKid Parent App Guide - SPANISH
  • PikMyKid Parent App Support Center
  • When there is a temporary change of dismissal (i.e., car line to walker), parents must notify the homeroom teacher via email before school starts that day. The ability to change a student's Pickup Mode in the PikMyKid app is not a substitute for contacting the school.

  • If it is an emergency, parents must call the front office at least an hour before dismissal.


  • Parents are responsible for establishing a safe route for their children.
  • Walkers and bikers can enter the school from the front using the two gates on the north side of the school on either side of the administration building or near the cafeteria and staff parking lot at the East gate.
  • Walkers and bikers are released at the East gate near the cafeteria.
  • Fenced-in bike racks are located at the front of the school adjacent to the administration building.


  • Drop off and pick up for HOST is at the East gate between building 2 and the cafeteria accessible via the staff parking lot entrance.
  • Drop-off for HOST students is between 7 – 7:40 am. No HOST student drop-off is allowed after 7:40 am.
  • Pick-up for HOST students is between 3:15 – 6 pm.
  • Staff will not be stationed at the school's front (North side) for HOST drop-off or pick-up.


  • ASE pick-up is 3:20pm on Mondays and 4:20pm Tuesdays – Fridays.
  • ASE pick-up will be in front of the school.
  • There is no active car line for ASE clubs.  Parents must park and walk up to the front of the school to pick up their child.
  • Parents can park in any available parking spot on campus, including the staff parking lot. Parents can also park along the right lane of the car line. Do not block the left lane or crosswalks for any reason.
  • Parents must let the instructors/teachers know in person that you are taking your child so they can be marked as dismissed.
  • If you have submitted a form to allow your child to walk home without supervision, remind your child to 'check out' with their club teacher first.
  • Crossing guards are not available during ASE dismissal. Use extreme caution when walking away from campus.


The PTSA has partnered with the City of Tampa and the advocacy group Sidewalk Stompers over the past several months to request updates to the walkability of the neighborhood surrounding Adum. There are a lot of pieces to pull together to make this successful. Some of the planned updates are bulleted further below. 


Keep in mind that some of these updates will be in place before the first day of school, some will be implemented after school starts, and some will occur later after the City collects data on traffic patterns. Due to the uncertainty of when crosswalks, crossing guards, and other safety measures will be implemented, you may wish to have your walkers and bikers driven to school until the safety measures are in place.  



The City of Tampa Mobility Department is continuing to monitor the neighborhoods surrounding the school for more improvements as Adum school-related traffic continues to develop. However, you are encouraged to send your concerns to the city either by phone or via the Tampa Connect website:


Tampa Connect

Tampa Gov Customer Service Center

(813) 274-3101

Tampa >> Connect


Below are proposed safety measures for the surrounding area of the school:

  • Crosswalks painted at Lois Ave and W Bay Villa at the front of the school and at the NW corner of campus – Added!
  • East to West crosswalks painted on Hubert, Thatcher, and Clark at Euclid intersections - Added!
  • Lois Ave at W Bay Villa to have a pedestrian ramp connection on the NW corner.
  • Crossing across Euclid Ave at S Lois Ave specifically for pedestrians and cyclists
  • New pedestrian ramps protected by concrete bulb-outs on the NE and SE corners at Euclid Ave and South Lois Ave
  • Repurposing of the travel lane of Euclid Ave with 10' lanes and a 7' parking lane with a buffer. - Added!
  • Euclid Ave will be designated as a Reduced-Speed school zone. Phase 1 will include static signs in the area (Added!), and Phase 2 will consist of flashers.
  • Euclid Ave at Lois Ave to have 'Stop Here for Ped Crossing' signs and markings scheme. - Added!
  • Euclid Ave at Lois Ave to have a bracketed crosswalk (speed table approaching the new crossing at Lois Ave) tentatively planned for Phase 2 or Phase 3
  • The intersection of Manhattan Ave and Euclid Ave to have existing crosswalks repainted after a recent construction upgrade in the intersection.
  • Crosswalk at Hubert and W Bay Villa, in consideration
  • Crosswalk at Clark and W Bay Villa, in consideration



The PTSA has partnered with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, which manages the crossing guard positions throughout the county, to request crossing guards in high traffic areas:

  • S Lois Ave and W Bay Villa in front of the school - One guard position has been filled
  • S Lois Ave and Euclid Ave - Two guard positions have been requested and one guard is temporarily filling this position
  • S Lois Ave and W Bay Villa at Northeast corner of campus - One guard position has been requested and is temporarily filled
  • Manhattan Ave and W Bay Vista - Two crossing guard positions exist but are only required to monitor the crosswalk during Madison Middle School bell times. The Manhattan guards' time can't be extended until after a study is performed and data is collected on the counts of kids crossing Manhattan.
  • Manhattan Ave and Euclid - One guard position has been requested but will not be prioritized until a traffic study can be conducted on that intersection.


  • Avoid driving on Bay Villa in front of the school during arrival and dismissal times unless exiting the car line.

  • The ability to park and walk is not available on campus during arrival or dismissal times. It is a safety hazard to have cars backing into the car line, attempting to reenter the car line, and students walking through the car line. The only exit is through the car line.
  • Parents can park off campus and walk to the front gate. Euclid Ave has parking lanes on both sides and is a short walk to the front of the school. 
  • ESE buses and after-school provider transportation buses drop off and pick up in the staff parking lot driveway on the east side of campus.
  • The staff parking lot and the east parking lots are only for staff and visitor use.
  • Because Adum is a magnet school, not a neighborhood school, parents must provide their own transportation.
  • The PTSA Safety Committee will be monitoring the pain points and adjusting things as needed.





Stay to the right

Drive slowly

Pull up to the vehicle ahead

No talking/texting on phones

Follow staff directions

Use the PikMyKid app

Only use designated car line

Plan for inclement weather

Know the best route for your family

Allow extra time

Always WATCH for pedestrians










Keep our Aviators safe!